Other Functions

The "Other" Tab in the GIE Settings/Control Panel allows you to turn on the Web Bug finder, get Guard-IE updates, and control the taskbar icon.

Notification of Web Bugs
This function is unique to Guard-IE and allows you to see hidden web bugs on web pages and track down many details about their purpose.
In addition to the "Bug" icon in the Guard-IE toolbar (Button D, in The Guard-IE Toolbar) changing from being grayed out to being bright red and "alive", Guard-IE can play a sound to notify you that it found a web bug on a page. 

Click "Play a sound when web bug detected" to turn this feature on - click the audio icon to the right of the text to specify a sound to be played.  (Note: many sounds can be typically be found in C:\WINNT\Media.  You can also find sounds by searching for files that end in ".wav"). If you do not wish the web bug detector to be active, simply un-check the "Enable web bug detection" box.
Startup Functions
Check "Show taskbar icon while Guard-IE is running" to display the GuardWall castle in the lower right corner of your computer screen.  This icon allows you to shut down all windows and erase all histories with one click, as well as other functions.

Check "Allow Guard-IE to run in Windows Explorer" if you wish to run Guard-IE in the standard Windows Explorer window (in addition to Internet Explorer).
If you check "Allow Guard-IE to run in Windows Explorer" then please be aware that automatic deletion of unwanted cookies and automatic cleaning of histories will occur ONLY when ALL WINDOWS have been shut down or the user logs off. 
If you DO NOT check "Allow Guard-IE to run in Windows Explorer", then cookies and histories will be deleted upon closing the last instance of Internet Explorer.  Also understand that pop-ups WILL NOT be prevented when you use the Windows Explorer process as a Web browser.

Note: The default after installation is ON because some people start browsing from within Explorer and do not click on the IE symbol.  Turn this OFF (uncheck) if you don't do that to save system resources.